EndSARS: Young Professionals In Diaspora Endorse Protest


Young Professionals (YP) arm of the Nigerians in the Diaspora Organization, representing the Americas continent (NIDOA) has unequivocally expressed their support for the sustained protest by youth and young professionals against police brutality in Nigeria.

In a statement signed by the group’s Chairman, Dr. Barth Shepkong through the group Instagram handle, @nidoayoungprofessionals,  affirmed their strong support for the youth in the country, while they urged the government to strengthen the legal arm of the government so it can swiftly represent and respond to issues concerning youth, young professionals and everyday Nigerians regardless of their status or networks.

“Our ultimate request is a safe and viable Nigeria as is guaranteed by our constitution.”

The YP’s position as said by them is in the best interest of every Nigerian citizen regardless of location.

“As Nigerians, we cannot stand by, while our brothers, sisters, and parents back home are demanding and protesting for basic human rights and dignity under the law, which includes a reformed policing system in the country.

“We stand with every Nigerian and youth in particular to voice their grievances, to continue to make our voices heard, and maintain a good representation at the relevant table of decision making moving forward.

“Likewise, we support the need to strengthen our legal arm, so it’s able to represent and respond swiftly to issues concerning youth and adults, regardless of status or network.

“With the withdrawal of the SARS team, our position is that both the federal and state government must sign a document that will see to a public hearing of any agency’s misuse of office, against the citizens and hold accountable to the fullest extent of the court any convicted law enforcement agent or agency that is repressive or abuses their authority.

“Lastly, for the youth and young professionals putting themselves forward on the streets, to advocate and ensure those representing them are held accountable to fulfill the duties that they were elected for, and in honour of victims and souls lost to this situation, we are strongly with you all and stand ready to assist as needed” the statement read in part.


“We applaud the effort of good serving public service officers, we also assure them of our support and strongly advise those that have upheld the oppressive and corrupt system to have a rethink.

The association noted that it us not just focused on economic impact but ensuring that the homefront is supported.

“NIDOA Young Professionals is not just about our economic impact and image protection of Nigeria in our continental region but also at home with our colleagues and fellow citizens,” it read