World Teachers Day: Nigerian Teachers Join The Rest Of The World TO MARK Event


October 5th each year is marked all over the world as World Teacher’s day (WTD). Nigerian teachers and academia have joined the rest of the world to mark the event.

The event is usually characterized by series of events including rallies but this year’s event, due to the spiral effects of the covid-19 will be celebrated with a week-long series of virtual events.

The world teachers day has held sway every year since 5th October 1994, as the UNESCO (united Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) celebrates the event to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO recommendation concerning the status of teachers and the 1997 recommendation concerning the status of higher education teaching personnel. These normative standard-setting yardstick set benchmarks in view of the rights and responsibilities of teachers and standard for their initial preparations and further education, recruitment, employment , and working conditions.

However, this year, the event is being marked virtually with the theme ‘’ teachers, leading in crisis, re-imagining the future’’. The official opening ceremony is followed by award ceremony of the 6th edition of the UNESCO Hamdan prize for effectiveness of teachers. The official closing ceremony takes place on 12th October with a joint world Teachers day and mobile learning week session.