Diana Armstrong : First Female with the Longest Fingernails Ever in the World

Diana Armstrong standing and looking over her shoulder with her nails touching the floor

Diana Armstrong from Minnesota USA has broken the Guinness world record for the longest fingernails on a pair of hands (Female) and the longest fingernail; on a pair of hands ever (female)

Measuring 1,306.58cm (42 ft 10.4 in) as of 13 March 2022, the combined length of Diana’s fingernails is longer than a standard yellow school bus. Her right thumbnail is the longest of all her nails, measuring 138.94cm (4 ft 6.7 in) while her left pinky fingernail is the shortest which is 109.2 cm (3 ft 7 in) long.

Diana Armstrong standing with her nails over the stair railing

Diana has been growing her nails for 25 years. The last time she had it cut led to her losing her 16-year-old daughter, Latisha who passed away from her sleep from an asthma attack.

“That was the worst day of my life. She was the only one who did my nails. She polished them and filled them for me.”, said Diana of her daughter who used to have her nails manicured every weekend.

A woman lying on the bed

Through the years that followed after Latisha’s passing, Diana’s other children tried convincing her to trim her fingernails but she often told them to mind their business.

Diana Armstrong having her nails painted

She was later met with acceptance and understanding after sharing her motives with her children. Diana explained that she battled depression for a decade, and growing out her nails was her way of keeping her late daughter in her thoughts. “Every time I look at my nails I think of my daughter. I think she’s my guardian angel”, she explained.

Her other daughter, Raina explained that although her mother previously worked as a hairstylist, she became a stay-at-home mom after Tisha’s passing and focused on growing her nails.

Diana having her nails painted

Due to their record-breaking length, each of Diana’s nails take between four and five hours to paint. In fact, painting them is such a laborious task that she only has her nails done once every four to five years. She uses about 15 to 20 bottles of nail polish and a woodworking tool for filing. It’s a challenge for Diana to paint them herself, so often enlists the help of her grandchildren who love adorning her nails with colorful patterns.

Diana record certificate presentation

According to Diana, she is restricted in what she can do with her hands and often uses her feet to pick up clothes off the floor or to open the refrigerator.

Diana has also given up driving as her long nails have made it almost impossible, but when she used to drive, her nails would rest outside of the car window due to their length.

Having such an exceptional feature means that Diana has grown used to the attention she attracts when she’s in public. Although in the past she would often decline photo requests, she now feels comfortable enough to allow curious onlookers to photograph her fascinating fingernails.

Despite their extraordinary length, Diana was surprised when her nails caught the attention of Guinness World Records.

“I thought that was a joke”, she admitted.

Diana said she doesn’t plan to cut her fingernails again, even if she is paid to do so.

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