Wearing of Masks, Mandatory in Italy

Italian government has made the wearing of masks compulsory across the country. This is to ensure that the coronavirus pandemic is controlled.

Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte explained that strict measures are put in place to avoid the virus hitting again on the country. Italians must put on masks indoors except in their private homes.

“From now on, masks and protective gear have to be brought with us when we leave our house and worn. We have to wear them all the time unless we are in a situation of continuous isolation”, Conte said.

These measures are already in places that had worst hit like Rome, but this recent announcement makes it nationwide.
Earlier in the year, Italy was forced to embark on very strict lockdown measures when there was increase in infections which affected the economy of the country.

Italy has been able to keep the virus in check in recent months but within the past 24 hours, there have been a gradual rise in new cases.

Further measures to limit the spread of the virus include compulsory testing for anyone travelling from the UK, Netherlands, Belgium and Czech Republic.