U. S : Record Made As 97million Persons Vote Before Election Day

As the race for the White House heats up, the build up to the 2020 U. S elections has seen some mind-boggling records come to the fore.

These figures show that new records are being set in terms of turnout on a tidal wave of early voting – the kind that has not been seen in American History.

Records show that over 97.6 million votes have already been cast – through in-person voting and mail-in ballots. This accounts for two-third of the entire number of voters who voted in the 2016 elections. An astonishing feat.

More Americans are coming out to vote, even with the pandemic. More Americans are also expected to come out in Large numbers to vote on election day.

According to U. S ELECTION PROJECT, a non-partisan website run by Michael McDonald, a University of Florida professor who tracks country-level data, as at Monday afternoon, hours before election day, over 35.5 million Americans had voted in person and 65.1 million had mailed in their ballots. These were in states that were still holding early voting.

These figures show a tectonic shift from the one day voting, which has the staple of the American electoral process for centuries.

The U. S states of Texas and Hawaii have already surpassed their total 2016 voter turnout. Battleground states of North Carolina, Georgia and Florida have all topped 90% of their 2016 voter turnout.

Experts have predicted more numbers and this could see the 2020 election break new records in turnout. In a year like no other, the U. S elections is looking to be an election like no other.