Trump, Biden Disagree Over Appointment Of New Supreme Court Judge

By Ikechukwu Onyekwere 

President Donald Trump on Saturday 19th September, 2020 said he will appoint a woman to replace late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died on Friday.


Responding to this, Joe Biden, Democratic Presidential candidate asserted that the intention to replace Late Ginsburg should be put on hold until the presidential election scheduled to hold in November is concluded.

The fear of Democrats is that Republicans are likely to vote to lock in a decade-long conservative majority on the US highest court.

The presidency knows that getting a new Supreme Court Justice will give conservatives charge over vital decisions for decades. In the United States, Justices can serve for life, unless they have need to retire.

The Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell on Friday evening Stated that the chamber would go ahead in approving the President’s yet to be announced nominee after their vote on the floor of the US Senate.

In his tweet on Saturday, Trump reiterated that they are in the position to make vital decisions for the people that elected them into office.

There are many reasons for the political battle between Democrats and Republicans on this issue. But it will be recalled that in 2016, Republicans refused the call hearing for the selection of Merrick Garland by the then-President Barack Obama to fill the vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Though the nomination came 237 days before the 2016 presidential election.
The Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer explained that US citizens should have a say in who becomes the next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore the seat should be vacant until the election is over.