Trump, Biden in Chaotic Debate

Donald Trump


By Ejiogu Paul

President Donald Trump of the Republican Party engaged in what has been referred by many as a chaotic presidential debate with his Democrat opponent who is a former vice president of the United State, Joe Biden ahead of the November 3rd election.

The debate lasted for 90 minutes, anchored by Fox News anchor, Chris Wallace.

In the debate, President Donald Trump interrupted Joe Biden frequently, prompting Biden telling him to “shut up” as they argued over the pandemic, healthcare and the economy. In the cause of the debate, Joe Biden mocked President Donald Trump calling him a “clown”, a “racist” and “the worst president America has ever had.”

He further criticized President Trump’s way of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, his failure to produce a health care plan and most especially his response to protests regarding racial injustice. Joe Biden repeatedly called President Trump a racist. In his words, “This is a President who has used everything as a dog whistle to try to generate racist hatred, racist division.”

The anchor of the programme, Chris Wallace had a difficult time controlling both candidates who were talking over each other.

President Trump told Joe Biden to stop using the word “smart” because there was nothing smart about him. In Trump words, “Did you use the word smart? So, you said you went to Delaware State (University) but you forgot the name of your college. You didn’t go to Delaware State (University). You graduated either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class. Don’t ever use the word smart with me because you know what, there is nothing smart about you.”

President Trump was asked by the moderator, Chris Wallace, if he was willing to condemn white supremacists and armed groups fuelling violence in the country.

Trump replied he was willing to do that but further added that the violence was from the left wing. He further expressed that the white supremacists are not responsible for the violence in the US but claimed the opposition was responsible for the violence.

Reacting to the debate, an attorney, Brian Chellgren said the debate was expected to be chaotic.

He further said “I thought Biden had a good few periods where he aimed his message directly to the camera and to the public.” Also, a progressive voter and a talent recruiter, Keirsten Greggs, said “At the end of the day, the loser was really us, the American people. A lot of people were expecting this to go the way that it did.” Ariel Hedlund reacted, in his words, “I think Trump’s strongest point was when he talked about what he accomplished and what he will accomplish.

On the other hand, Biden did really well when he spoke directly to the American people but he never gave us details and facts. I must say Vice-President Biden did much better than I expected.”