Trump arrives London for NATO Leaders Summit.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump has arrived at Stansted airport as he is set to attend the NATO Leaders Summit in London.

The summit will Mark the 70th anniversary of NATO stars and many notable world leaders like President of France, Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor, Angel Merkel and the host of others will be in attendance in Watford.

President Trump will have separate talks with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel , Emmanuel Macron of France and NATO secretary General, Jen’s Stoltenberg according to reports.

Foreign Secretary UK,Dominic Raab will meet US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and has affirmed that the UK Prime Minister will discuss relevant issues relating to North America snd European partners and remind the leaders that they can be bigger than sum of its parts.

‘The role of this leaders’ summit and we’re hosting it-is for the prime minister to bring all of our north American and European partners and show, through NATO, we can be bigger than the sum of our parts’, Raab said.

Excel Magazine gathered that NATO leaders attending the Summit are not so worried with the presence of Trump who derailed 2018 summit agenda with his demands is somewhat satisfied how some allies have stepped up their military investment.

However, reports showed that UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson is apprehensive that Trump’s presence will hurt him as his election for Brexit approaches.