Trump Appeals Ballot Removal in 2024 Election Controversy

Donald Trump

Trump Appeals Ballot Removal in 2024 Election Controversy

Donald Trump, the current Republican frontrunner, has appealed against Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows’ decision to remove him from the 2024 presidential ballot, asserting bias and legal errors.

Trump’s legal team contends that Bellows, a Democrat, was a “biased decision maker” lacking the authority to exclude him, accusing her of acting “in an arbitrary and capricious manner.”

In the court filing, Trump’s attorneys argue, “President Trump will be illegally excluded from the ballot as a result of the Secretary’s actions.”

They contend that Bellows made “multiple errors of law,” challenging her ability to uphold the law impartially. This move follows Trump’s removal from the Colorado ballot, both instances invoking the US Constitution’s insurrection clause and his alleged role in the 2021 Capitol riot.

The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits individuals who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from holding federal office.

Trump’s legal battles extend beyond Maine and Colorado, mirroring challenges in other states such as Michigan and Minnesota.

The US Supreme Court is anticipated to address these cases, with potential nationwide implications pending the resolution of legal challenges.

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