‘There will be Consequences’- Enraged African-American Warns Nigerians, others against “Akata” Name-calling

"Akata" Name-calling

An African-American has issued a stern warning to Africans, most especially Nigerians in the Diaspora who describe Black Americans as “Akata”- a name which translates loosely to “wild animal”.

The middle-aged man whose identity is unknown expressed his disapproval of the term. According to him, the word ‘Akata’ is very demeaning and highly derogatory; and being called by that means “they are cotton pickers and just a bunch of stupid, idiots wild animals.”

Moving forward, he said the word is predominantly used by racists and descendants of the chiefs who sold African-American descents and Africans in the Diaspora into slavery. He cautioned Africans to desist from using the names. In his words, “I’m gonna tell you something. To all you guys, you better quit the goddam shit. You’re not gonna get away with it.” He therefore urged his fellow African-Americans not to tolerate being regarded as ‘Akata’.

Directing his warning to Nigerians and other West Africans while referring them back to the history of how Black Americans’ ancestors were subject to slavery and hardship. He warned that such name calling act should be stopped and failure to comply would lead to a “big problem.”

He said, “I wanna make it perfectly clear to Nigerians or to any other West Africans. Don’t try that shit brother because it gonna be some real problem for you. We are pissed off. You idiots, not all of you but I’m talking to guys that are utilizing those words, need to realize… ancestors were forced to sleep in manure in chains, dragged across the ocean…and you’re disrespecting us?!…Shame on you. Don’t even try that shit anymore because we understand your language now.

“Many of us have travelled to West Africa. We understand what the real story is and you better start doing the same thing cos you ain’t getting away with that. There’s gonna be some consequences, trust me…Do not utilize the word ‘Akata’ to describe us. You are here because African-Americans marched, died, were thrown in jail, beaten by dogs, and died in the field. Don’t ever use the word ‘Akata’ again!” Tap to watch the full video.

EMI recalls that a lot of writers have written and spoken at length on the derogatory connotation of the word ‘Akata’. Nnedi Okorafor, a Nigerian-American writer  addressed this disparaging name calling of Black Americans in some of her books- Akata Witch, Akata Warrior, Akata Woman to mention but a few.

According to Nnedi Okorafor, ‘Akata’ is a terrible word. It’s a horrible horrible word. The thing is when you talk to some Nigerians, they will be like, ‘oh, no, it’s a neutral word. It just describes Black Americans, and it’s fine.’ Anyone who has been called that term and fits into the category of the definition knows that it’s not a nice word. It’s a derogatory term for Black Americans, but that also includes Nigerian Americans as well.”

“I was called an ‘Akata’ by some man because he thought I was mouthing off and he’s like, ‘Oh, you American girls just have no respect for what,’ and he called me that. I got angry, and I’m like, I’m going to be the first person to put that word in a title of a book”. It was like a taking back and it was me being audacious, and so I’ve kept it,” she said.

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