STRANGE: Abuja Pastor Attends Church Service with AK47

Abuja Pastor attends Service with AK47 Rifle

STRANGE: Abuja Pastor Attends Church Service with AK47

By Boniface Ihiasota, USA

Pastor Uche Aigbe of the Abuja chapter of the House on the Rock caused a disturbance on Sunday during the second service, where he arrived at the pulpit carrying an AK 47 rifle.

This service often attracts a high turnout of the congregation from various parts of the Federal Capital Territory.

As he approached the altar, many members of the congregation were taken aback by the sight of the weapon.

Despite the tension in the room, Pastor Aigbe walked up to the lectern with confidence, not looking at the congregation.

As he reached for his Bible, he looked up and jokingly remarked, “Some people are looking for trouble, but I am prepared.”

“Today, there are some pastors with gift of divination who go about ripping people. This is why we should carry our ‘guns’ and defend ourselves. I will particularly be coming very soon for some of you sleeping in the church.”

His response threw the entire gathering into a fit of laughter as he continued preaching on “Guarding your hearts from false teachers” and “faith without work is dead.”

It was, however, not known if the gun he brandished was loaded or not.

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