Serious Refugee Crisis from Tigray Conflict- UNHCR


The UN Refugee Agency-UNHCR Has expressed fears over the crisis in northern Ethiopia where ongoing clashes between the Ethiopian federal government and the Tigray Forces are making many leave their homes.

Many have died and at least 20,000 refugees have fled to Sudan; more than half are children.

“We have started to provide assistance services- UNHCR, WFP, The Sudanese Red Cross, Muslim Aid and other service providers and you can see the start of some provision but much more needs to be done”, Jens Hasemannm the UNHCR Emergency Response Coordinator for Sudan Explains.

Ethiopians who fled their homes as a result of the crisis

It would be recalled that there have been reports of atrocities since Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister ordered air strikes and a ground offensive against Tigray’s rulers for defying his authority.

General living and operating conditions inside Tigray are becoming more difficult with power outages and food and fuel supplies becoming extremely scarce.

The conflict is as a result of months of political tensions between the federal government and the Tigray People’s Liberation front (TPLF), the governing party in Tigray State.

UNHCR call on all parties to respect the safety and security for all civilians in Tigray.