Report on the KDE Disability Africa Foundation

KDE Disability Africa Foundation

Report on the KDE Disability Africa Foundation

By Jedidiah Flahn Jr

It is believed by some people that persons living with disabilities should be discriminated in society, but there are many who have refused to subscribe to that idea.

It is against that backdrop that Mr. Boniface C. Ihiasota and his partner Madam Kimma Wreh decided to set up an organization called “KDE DISABILITY AFRICA FOUNDATION.” The organization was established in 2015 (in the USA) and 2017 (in Liberia) as a means of ensuring that people with all forms of DISABILITIES and vulnerable women get equal opportunities such as Training & Education, Jobs, and to bring an end to discrimination against persons living with disabilities.

KDE 's first graduating class in Liberia
KDE ‘s first graduating class in Liberia

Since the founding of the KDE DISABILITY AFRICA FOUNDATION, the CEO Mr. Boniface C. Ihiasota and the President Madam Kimma Wreh Invested their all into helping people living with some forms of disabilities.

Obediah Williams was the KDE Center Manager from 2020 to 2021. Previously he instructed MCF students who attended KDE’s Tailoring training program from 2017 to 2019, and was custodian of the KDE classroom.

Obediah managed the Foundation unsatisfactory thus leaving the President with no option but to dismiss him and commission an audit that found him liable of the misappropriation of property and trusted funds, among others.

Obediah was unable to see to it that KDE put out it’s first graduates in 2019. The same thing happened in 2021. Since then, he has been issuing threats and false statements on the President of KDE Madam Kimma Wreh, but the matter is in Court.

However, Madam Lydia Essifie was appointed as the new manager of KDE DISABILITY AFRICA FOUNDATION. Since her appointment as the new manager, she has been praised by the CEO and the President for her tireless efforts in making sure the Foundation goes forward. Lydia as manager was able to put out the first graduates of KDE on Saturday November 19, 2022.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Sixteen (16) persons living with disability and persons without disabilities graduated. The President of KDE Kimma Wreh thanked the graduates and used the medium to encourage them to keep moving forward because their disability is not their inability.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ihiasota and Madam Wreh on Wednesday the 23rd of November 2022 gave their TOP graduates sewing machines and donated clothes and food to the National Union of Disabled Organizations Liberia (NUOD).

I Jedidiah Flahn Jr want to thank the CEO and the President of KDE for the improvement in the lives of Liberians.


KDE donation to the National Union of Disabled Organizations Liberia
KDE donation to the National Union of Disabled Organizations Liberia


KDE donated 3 sewing machines to their top graduates in Liberia.
KDE donated 3 sewing machines to their top graduates in Liberia.
National Union of Disabled Organizations Liberia
National Union of Disabled Organizations Liberia

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