Realness Institute partners Netflix to setup content development lab for African writers

The Realness Institute is set to partner Netflix to create an Episodic content development Lab for African writers in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.

According to the Realness Institute, the new deal will facilitate a new wave of storytelling. With Netflix bringing it’s expertise on Episodic content development, insight on global trends and production to bear on the new project.

Speaking on the partnership, Dorothy Ghettuba, The head – African Original Series in Africa for Netflix said, “in Netflix we believe that great stories come from anywhere and can be loved everywhere. We strongly believe Africa has a wealth of untold stories. As we grow in our slate of originals from Africa, partnerships with organizations like The Realness Institute will help us achieve our goal of investing in Writers who will bring diverse genres of Authentic, local stories that cater for every mood”.

Submissions into the writer’s lab is to go live by the end of November on realness . Institute/episodic-lab . It is open to writers With film and TV experience in any genre (fiction and factual) or language.

Selections will be made and the selected writers will earn a monthly stipend of 2,000 USD to participate and are to be available full time for a period of 4 months – from June to september 2021.