Nigeria and the Need to Awaken the Spirit of Democracy

Rev. Barrister Emmanuel Ihim, the pioneer President of Diaspora Alliance Inc

Nigeria and the Need to Awaken the Spirit of Democracy

By Emmanuel Ihim, Esq

In these trying times, when the very essence of our nation is tested, its people must rise and defend its soul. Nigeria stands at a crossroads, faced with challenges that threaten to overshadow the principles upon which it was built. It is a time for Nigerians to heed an age-old wisdom – that beyond the written laws that govern us, there exists a higher, almost ethereal, set of laws that beckon when our nation’s very existence is at stake.

Whereas Nigerian citizens find themselves bound in chains, both seen and unseen, and our beloved nation, swayed by the winds of “the Cabals,” faces the rising tides of creeping Fascism and the audacious subversion of our Constitution, rendering same valueless.

Our great nation, once a beacon of democratic ideals in Africa, is now grappling with questions that threaten its very foundation. The Tribunal’s recent endorsement verdict of Bola Tinubu’s presidency has raised serious concerns that undermine, derogate, and deride our democratic political progress, as it deviates from the revered pathways set by our Constitution and Electoral Law. Its ripple effects have sent shockwaves not only domestically but also internationally.

This suspected ‘electoral theft’ tarnishes our nation’s reputation and strikes at the core of our democratic values, casting doubts and challenging the integrity of our collective spirit. This underscores the fact the Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) judgment that was bereft of justice, fairness, and impartiality but inundated with nonsensical technicalities. The PEPC judgment is void of any essence of justice and clouded with irrationalities, impartiality, injustice, and unfairness. The judgment subverted the Nigerian Constitution, supplanted the people’s sovereign will, and perverted even the 2022 Electoral Act. The result is shredding our democratic progress- glorifying fraud, corruption, forgery, and electoral robbery. This ultimately paves the way for the manifestation of the rule of force and criminal politics of state capture by the cabals.

The emerging disclosures signal an alarming trend as Nigerians find themselves entrapped, maneuvered into a position of subservience by a seemingly insurmountable political power.

We must recognize the perilous juncture we are in. All Nigerians must awaken from the shackles of complacency and the slumber of “slavery mentality and piety.” We must reignite the flames of hope, muster every ounce of strength, and summon the courage to rise, stand tall, and resist the looming threat of permanent servitude.

We should understand that the spirit of democracy is not just about casting votes but safeguarding the essence of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, ensuring that every citizen’s voice, no matter how soft, is heard and valued. Every Nigerian deserves a nation where they can dream without fear, speak without retribution, and live with dignity.

In light of the foregoing facts and recognizing this perilous juncture in our nation’s journey, it is imperative that all Nigerians awaken from the shackles of complacency, from the slumber of “slavery mentality and piety.” We must reignite the flames of hope, muster every ounce of strength, and summon the courage to rise, stand tall, and resist the looming threat of being entrenched into an era of permanent servitude.

If we falter now and fail to take a stand, we risk a life devoid of freedom, hope, and dignity. We risk consigning our generation and children to permanent servitude and slavery of the “Cabal-State captors.” As guardians of this great nation, as the stewards of our shared destiny, the choice is squarely before us: to reclaim our homeland, to rekindle the spirit of democracy, or to let the annals of history remember us as the generation that stood by, silent and defeated.

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