NEPAD CEO Endorses EXCEL Magazine International, Plays Host To Magazine Publisher

NEPAD CEO Endorses EXCEL Magazine International, Plays Host To Magazine Publisher

The Chief Executive Officer of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Princess Gloria Akobundu, on Friday January 18th, 2019 played host to the Chief Executive officer of Excel Global Media Group, Mr Boniface Ihiasota.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Africa’s foremost development arm, while praising the Excel Magazine International for maintaining a great standard of reportage promised to support efforts towards projecting Africa further.

She also reteirated NEPAD’s commitment to ensuring that the world sees the opportunities that abound in Africa.

Responding to get statements, Mr Boniface Ihiasota emphasized that Excel Global Media Group will continue to project Africa positively and will be always ready to work with NEPAD towards achieving its goal.

This is coming as the Excel Magazine International featured heavily the NEPAD activities at the New York United Nations in its new edition.
This is in testament to the commitment of both EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL and NEPAD towards advancing the African cause.

Mr Boniface Ihiasota and Princess Gloria Akobundu went into a meeting afterwards.