National Rescue Congress Criticizes Supreme Court Judgment as ‘Technical Nonsense’


National Rescue Congress Criticizes Supreme Court Judgment as ‘Technical Nonsense’

The National Rescue Congress (NRC) has condemned the Supreme Court’s judgment which affirmed Bola Tinubu duly elected President of Nigeria as being based on “technical nonsense” and questioned its moral foundation.

NRC made the stand during a Global Press Conference held on Thursday to address the nation regarding critical issues related to Nigeria’s democracy. The conference, titled “The State of the Nation and a Call to Rescue Nigeria,” primarily focused on concerns surrounding the country’s judicial system and recent Supreme Court decisions.

In a joint communiqué signed by Pastor Emmanuel Ihim, Esq, and Chief Oloye Adegboyega Adeniji and made available to Excel Magazine International, the NRC passionately appealed to all Nigerians who value justice, democracy, and the rule of law.

The group expressed deep concern over a recent judgment by Nigeria’s Supreme Court Justices, which upheld the Presidential Appeal Court Tribunal’s decision, despite allegations and substantial evidence against it.

This decision has been described as a significant compromise of justice, raising questions about the Constitution’s integrity, the strength of democracy, and the fairness of the justice system.

The NRC emphasized the need for collective action in response to injustice and reminded citizens of their duty to resist when the rule of law itself becomes unjust. They invoked the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson, stating, “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a duty.”

During the press conference, it was highlighted that power is fleeting and cannot suppress the collective will of the people, asserting that the legitimacy of laws extends beyond legality to their alignment with moral and ethical values.

Drawing a poignant historical parallel, the NRC cited examples like Adolf Hitler’s actions in Germany to emphasize that not all “legal” actions are inherently just or moral.

The NRC called for unity among Nigerians to hold those in power accountable, underscoring that their struggle is not merely against legality but against the compromise of the Constitution, the Electoral Act, and the moral fabric of the nation.


Global Press Conference by National Rescue Congress on October 26, 2023

Theme: The State of the Nation and a Call to Rescue Nigeria.


Call for Action to Rescue and Salvage Nigeria: Unjust Law is No Law

To the resilient citizens of Nigeria, to the defenders of justice and democracy, and to every individual who believes in the sanctity of the rule of Law:

With a heavy heart, profound responsibility, and an unwavering commitment to justice, we, the National Rescue Congress, address the nation on the somber reality of our judicial system. We’ve witnessed a travesty, a blatant disregard for justice, equity, and constitutionality by the Nigeria Supreme Court Justices. Despite the glaring evidence surrounding the Chicago State University and the allegations against Tinubu, the Supreme Court has sadly chosen to disregard the tenets of justice and the rule of Law.

This judgment, delivered on October 26, 2023, by The Nigeria Supreme Court Justices, endorsing the Presidential Appeal Court Tribunal’s judgment, despite overwhelming evidence against it, is a dark stain on our nation’s legal tapestry and— a testament to the compromise of justice. It raises serious questions about the integrity of our Constitution, the essence of our democracy, and the fairness of our justice system. It gravely violates the core pillars of our Nigerian democracy, including the executive authority and judicial system, which have been subverted.

When a state drifts from the path of constitutionality and morality, it makes a mockery of justice; it becomes the duty of the citizens to rise. As eloquently captured by Thomas Jefferson, “When injustice becomes a Law, resistance becomes a duty.” In these trying times, civil disobedience emerges not as an act of defiance but as an instrument of restoration. It is a tool to recalibrate our nation’s moral compass, realign our values, and resurrect the spirit of democracy.

We note that “Power is Ephemeral”: No matter the strength or number of bulldozers, thugs, or guns, the collective will of the people cannot be silenced. As Senator Shehu Sani put it, “Power is fleeting. Bulldozers, Thugs, and Guns will not change our position.”

The Supreme Court judgment based on “technical nonsense” is a window for selfish-lucre and is not truly grounded in Law; morality underpins Law. Laws must always be a reflection of a society’s moral values. In this sense, all Nigerians are conscripted into the moral and criminal perversity of the Chicago State University forgery saga and its associated perversions.

We are reminded that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal yet grossly immoral. The legitimacy of laws anchors more than its legality; it extends to its alignment with moral and ethical values. The legitimacy of Law is grounded in its purpose: to restrain evil and advance justice. A law that serves personal interests over the common good subverts the Constitution and imposes uneven burdens on the generality of Nigerians may be legal, yet unjust. Such laws or judgments, exemplified by the judgments above, are potent tools for oppression, devoid of its values and essence. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wisely stated, “A just law aligns with the moral Law of God, while an unjust law conflicts with it.”

Early Church Father- St. Augustine rightly stated, “In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized brigandage.” Laws that violate the very essence of humanity, conscience, and morality have no place in our society. St. Augustine Law’s legitimacy resoundingly declared that “an unjust law is no law at all.” Our endorsement or opposition to the Supreme Court Judgment as the ultimate Law is not based on its legality but upon its moral ground. After all, everything Adolf Hitler executed in Germany was deemed “legal,” and yet it was unquestionably immoral. Thus, our struggle is not against mere legality but against the compromise of our Constitution, our Electoral Act, our justice system, and the moral fabric as a nation.

Our Call to Action:

This is not a moment of despair but a call to action. A reminder that the fight for justice, for a better Nigeria, is in our hands. We must rise, unite, and reclaim our nation from the jaws of injustice. When Law becomes a tool of oppression, when justice is miscarried, and when the very pillars of democracy are shaken, it is not just a call to action—it is a clarion call to rescue and salvage Nigeria with a renewed hope for the generations of our youth and children. Our call is not one of anarchy or disruption. It calls for reclaiming the foundational values, our democracy, our Constitution, and our God-given rights. It is a call for Nigeria to hold those in power accountable.

We join hands with all believers in justice, fairness, and equity to champion the cause of restoring Nigeria’s soul. We call upon every Nigerian, irrespective of tribe, religion, or political affiliation, to come together. This is not a struggle of one but a struggle of all. Together, we shall overcome.

In the face of injustice, silence is not an option. We must rise, unite, and reclaim the legacy of our great nation. The National Rescue Congress calls upon every Nigerian, every believer in justice, fairness, and democracy, to join hands in this noble cause. The future of Nigeria lies not in the hands of a few but in the collective spirit of its people.

We believe in Nigeria. We believe in justice. And with collective effort, we shall overcome this dark phase and herald a new dawn for our great nation. So Help Us God.

NRC‘s Mission:

 The National Rescue Congress is devoted to:

 Rejecting Impunity: Systematically dismantling the structures that enable misgovernance and fraudulent political activities in Nigeria.

 Reclaiming Peoples Mandate: Ensuring that the political will of Nigerians is respected and safeguarded.

 Reinstating Justice and Democracy: Revitalizing the judiciary and ensuring that democracy thrives as the backbone of our nation.

 Renewing Hope: For present and future generations by establishing a system that guarantees equitable resource distribution fairness and honors our national reputation globally.


NRC Coordinator Team:
Pastor Emmanuel Ihim, Esq
Chief Oloye Adegboyega Adeniji
Contact: +1202-446-7555

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