Mozambique Main Opposition Party, Renamo Calls For Cancellation Of Presidential Election

Ossufo Momade

Renamo,the main opposition party in the on-going presidential election in Mozambique has called for cancellation of the presidential polls because the electoral process was characterized by violence and fraud.

Renamo’s general Secretary ,Mr Andres Magibiri had on Saturday described the presidential election as being married by irregularities and that it failed to correspond to the will of the electorate.

President Felipe Nyusi

Mr Magibiri said that ‘the electoral process was brutal and barbaric,with total violence, arbitrary arrests,ballot-box stuffing and irregularities adding that the results being announced didn’t correspondent to the will of the electorate’

The European Union observer mission also believed that the elections were marred by irregularities by an uneven playing field, violence and a climate of fear.

It was reported that about 10 people have lost their lives in the election with the latest deaths involving Renamo Women’s League leader and her husband who were found dead with multiple gunshots after they disappeared on election day.

But Frelimo,the ruling party’s spokesman denied the EU statement saying the election was carried out smoothly in the country.

However,the early results of the presidential election showed that the presidential candidate of Frelimo and president of Mozambique, President Felipe Nyusi is in commanding lead, winning 70% of the votes cast ahead of his closet rival, Mr Ossufo Momade of Renamo who is trailing on about 25% of votes cast in the presidential election.