BREAKING: Mali Junta Announces Ex- Defence Minister as Interim President

Mali Junta Announces Ex- Defence Minister as Interim President

Ikechukwu Onyekwere

Ba N’Daou, Mali’s former minister of Defence has been announced as the president of a new transition government. This pronouncement was made by the leader of the Sahel State’s ruling military junta on Monday.

The new president is expected to serve as Head of State for some months before returning power to civilians.
This comes at a time when there is pressure from Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to hand over power to civilians.

The African Union on the same note had called on the military junta in Mali to immediately appoint Civilian leaders to manage an 18th month transition towards elections after last month’s coup.
It will be recalled that AU had announced of suspending Mali the day after the coup until restoration of constitutional order.

Presidential elections will eventually hold after the transition which the junta has set for 18 months. With this, Junta leader, Assimi Goita is now Vice President.

The Swearing ceremony is expected to be on 25th September 2020.
The coup in August 2020 was the fourth coup in Mali since her independence in 1960 from France.