Letter To The Youth:Take Over Leadership Control Of Nigeria, Obasanjo

Letter To The Youth:Take Over Leadership Control Of Nigeria, Obasanjo

According to a letter “My Appeal To All Nigerians, particularly Young Nigerians”, signed by Obasanjo and made available to The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Obasanjo urge the Nigerian youths to take over leadership control of the country.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Sunday, in his letter that was delivered to The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abeokuta, encourages the Nigeria youth to participate more and ensure leadership role are controlled by the youth in the country.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo

Excel report that the former president urged youths to come together and give birth to an intentional and meaningful change to their living and that of nation.

“Let nobody pull wool over your eyes to divide you and/or segregate you to make you underlings.

“If you failed, you have no one else to blame and your present and future are in your hands to make or to mar.

“Get up, get together, get going and get us to where we should be.

“Youths of Nigeria, your time has come, and it is now and please grasp it.

“If not now, it will be never. I appeal to you to turn the tide on its head and march forward chanting ‘Awa Lokan’ (It’s our turn).

The letter further reads;

“Not with a sense of entitlement, but with a demonstrable ideological commitment to unity and transformation of Nigeria.

“If we fall prey again, we will have ourselves to blame and no one can say how many more knocks Nigeria can take before it tips over. To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed,” Obasanjo opined.

Moreover, in the letters Obasanjo also draw and call the attention of the older generation, as he advices them to rest and retire as “septuagenarians”.

He said, the vigour, energy, agility, dynamism and outreach that the job of leadership of Nigeria requires at the very top may not be provided as a septuagenarian.

“But, where and when they are with obvious evidence, they must be taken into account for purpose of reality.

“It is a job in our present situation where the team leader or captain of the team should be up and doing, outgoing inside and outside and speaking to the nation on almost daily basis.

“He must be visibly and as much as possible interactively, meeting his colleagues all over the world on behalf of Nigeria,”.

Read Also: 2023 Elections: Obasanjo Officially Endorses Peter Obi (See Full Text)

From Obasanjo’s statement, excelbreakingnews gathered that the youth should consider four major factors in a leader as regards the 2023 general elections.

“They are what I call TVCP: Track record of ability and performance; Vision that is authentic, honest and realistic; Character and attributes of a lady and a gentleman, who are children of God and obedient to God.

“And Physical and mental capability with soundness of mind, as it is a very taxing and tasking assignment at the best of times and more so, it is at the most difficult time that we are,” he said.

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