Lady Vivian Irondi: Fifty and Fabulous: Celebrating a Half-Century of Life and Love

Lady Vivian Irondi: Fifty and Fabulous: Celebrating a Half-Century of Life and Love

By Boniface Ihiasota, USA

As the sun rose over the horizon, Lady Vivian Irondi woke up to a brand new day and a brand new decade. Few days ago, she celebrated her 50th birthday, and she couldn’t believe how quickly time had flown by. It seemed like only yesterday she was blowing out the candles on her 40th birthday cake, and now here she was, a half-century old.

Lady Vivian Irondi
Lady Vivian Irondi

But Irondi didn’t feel old. In fact, she felt more alive than ever before. She had spent the last few years exploring her passions, trying new things, and living life to the fullest.

She had traveled the world, taken up new challenges professionally and personally. She had made new friends and reconnected with old ones, and she had never been happier.

Lady Vivian Irondi
Lady Vivian Irondi

As Vivian Irondi got dressed and prepared for her birthday celebration, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for all the wonderful experiences she had had over the years. She thought back to all the people who had touched her life and all the lessons she had learned along the way. She knew that without those experiences, she wouldn’t be the person she was today.

That evening, Irondi’s friends and family gathered around her, ready to celebrate this milestone birthday. As she blew out the candles on her cake, she made a wish for the years to come. She wished for more adventures, more love, and more memories to cherish.

Lady Vivian Irondi dancing and being cheered by well wishers
Lady Vivian Irondi dancing and being cheered by well wishers

And as she looked around at the smiling faces of her loved ones, she knew that she had everything she could ever want. She had lived a full and happy life, and she was excited to see what the next 50 years had in store for her.

Interestingly, Lady Vivian is a Legal Analyst with the World Bank Group, a multilateral development organization headquartered in the United States.

Lady Vivian Irondi dancing
Lady Vivian Irondi dancing

Apart from her corporate job, Lady Vivian also manages her small businesses that deals with project management, forex, event management, custom-made fabrics, and human hairs.

She is highly motivated expert with over 21 years of experience in Trust Fund administration, development project operations, and knowledge training.  She is also a licensed insurance producer and financial literacy educator.

Lady Vivian Irondi
Lady Vivian Irondi

She holds an MBA and MSc. degrees in Legal Studies from University of Maryland, and BSc.  Computer Information Systems from Strayer University.

In addition to her professional and entrepreneur jobs, Lady Vivian Irondi finds pleasure in developing human capital of young men and women in her community in Nigeria.  She believes in changing lives and reshaping the mindset of youths in a global environment.

NB: The event will be fully captured in the next edition of Excel Magazine International.

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