Kano, Jigawa Customs Command Generate Over N7bn In 2021 First Quarter


The Kano Jigawa Area Command of the Nigeria Customs said it generated N7,658,138,659.00 in the first quarter of the year, 2021 as customs duty and other charges.

The Area Comptroller, S.P Umar made this known to news men on Thursday at the Customs House, Club Road Bompai, Kano.

According to him, the present revenue generated represents over 100% increment in duty collection when compared to the previous year’s revenue which was N3, 898, 607, 037.00 of the same corresponding period ( January- March).

He said, the difference recorded was made possible because of robust stakeholders’ enhancement, officers resolute in discharging their duties and and increased level of compliance in the traders’ zone.

Umar also revealed that the eagle-eyed operatives of the Command succeeded within the period under review in botching the illicit attempts of smugglers to ferry into the country various contraband goods.

That a total of 26 seizures which includes, foreign rice, second hand clothing, spaghetti, macaroni, milk foreign soaps and used tyres with duty paid value of  Thirty Eight Million, Five Hundred and Sixty Four, Thousand Naira (N38,564,000.00).

The Comptroller laments that despite wide awareness on the dire consequences of smuggling activities on the economic growth and development, some citizens still perpetuate the criminal act for their selfish interest.

He reaffirms that the Customs Service zero tolerance for smuggling is non-negotiable and wiill do everything in it’s capacity to fight it as the Kano/Jigawa Area Command has been tackling the incessant activities of smugglers within it’s territories/borders with intensified efforts to curb the menace which affects the Nation’s economy and a major contributor to the current insecurity.

Furthermore he tasked the media on the need for more awareness for the public on the need to embrace legitimate trade and comply with government policies and directives, that by doing this, ” We would make our country safe and fruitful for all” he added.