Hoodlums Attack Police Station In Abia


Hoodlums have attacked Umuoba Police Station in Isiala Ngwa North Local Government Area of Abia State, a police inspector was killed in the process.

The police spokesperson in the state, Geoffrey Ogbonna, who confirmed this on Tuesday in Aba, said the hoodlums invaded the police station on Monday at about 3 a.m.

Mr Ogbonna said the hoodlums razed down the station and its operational vehicles.

“In the course of that attack, one inspector lost his life, another policewoman was seriously injured.

“The hoodlums then broke into the armoury and stole some arms, including the gun of the inspector who was killed.
“They also burnt down the station and the vehicles parked in the premises, including one of our serviceable patrol vans,” he said.

The spokesperson said the inspector’s corpse has been taken to the mortuary, while the female officer is being treated at the hospital.
The police in Abia are investigating the attack.