Glamor as Edna Nzekwe Is Laid To Rest




Glamor as Edna Nzekwe Is Laid To Rest


It was a day of glamor and celebration of life on Friday 2nd of October, 2020, as Late Mrs. Edna Nzekwe was buried at Obizi Mbaise in Ezinihitte LGA of Imo State.

The colorful ceremony was witnessed by family, friends, church members including different personalities from different walks of life.

The burial ceremony also had in attendance the Traditional Ruler of Obizi Autonomous Community, Eze Barr. S.O.Azubuine. Speaking after the church service at St Andrews Anglican church, the Traditional ruler thanked God for the life of their friend, Mama Edna Nzekwe and encouraged the family to be strong as their mother lived a fulfilled life.

Some of the family members explained that late Mrs.Nzekwe lived an exemplary life and was dedicated in upholding Moral values.

Many other respondents further portrayed that she was generous with what she had and even giving out from the little she had.

The event was also joined by different persons in the diaspora who joined the burial ceremony through the Live Coverage of Excel Magazine International.

In his tribute to the Late Mrs Nzekwe, Pharmacist Charles Nzekwe said that Mama Edna enriched him with a life time experience which no school can teach anyone.

Late Mrs Edna Nzekwe is survived by six children and a host of other relations.

Full report and pictures coming soon