G7 Stands With Ukraine Amidst Russia Aggression in Virtual Meeting

G7 Leaders

G7 Stands With Ukraine Amidst Russia Aggression in Virtual Meeting

The G7 leaders have expressed solidarity with Ukraine in the face of Russia’s aggression during a virtual meeting held on Wednesday, Excel Magazine International can report.

They pledged unwavering support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom and outlined specific measures to aid the nation’s pursuit of lasting peace.

The leaders also committed to restricting exports crucial to Russia’s military capabilities, including limiting energy revenue and imposing import restrictions on non-industrial diamonds.

Additionally, the G7 leaders condemned Russia’s nuclear rhetoric and withdrawal from the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

They addressed the humanitarian crisis caused by Russian attacks on Ukraine by announcing increased efforts to provide aid and energy assistance.

In another development, the leaders condemned terror attacks by Hamas in Israel, expressing support for Israel’s right to defend itself.

Urgent action was called for to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, emphasizing the need for aid, protection of civilians, and compliance with international law.

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