Freedom is Not Free: A Call for Collective Action in the Face of Tyranny

Freedom is Not Free: A Call for Collective Action in the Face of Tyranny

By Pastor Emmanuel IHIM, Esq

The Nigeria Supreme Court, an institution revered for its role as the guardian of justice, now faces scrutiny over recent rulings that raise troubling questions about the state of our nation’s democracy. Central to this is the Supreme Court judgment of October 26, 2023, in which, despite a mountain of evidence indicating violations of the Constitution, Electoral Acts, INEC Electoral Procedure Manual, and more, shockingly endorsed questionable decisions. This saga, deeply intertwined with the Chicago State University controversy involving President Tinubu, is more than just a legal dilemma—it’s a testament to the subversion of justice, painting a bleak picture of collusion and corruption within the “State-cabals,” the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), and the Judiciary itself.

The Cost of Freedom:

Human history is a testament to the eternal struggle for freedom. Nigeria’s journey from the shackles of colonialism to today’s battles against internal corruption and tyranny mirrors this universal narrative. Our forefathers obtained our independence with a heavy price; they consequently laid a sound foundation of Constitutional governance, which was later bastardized by the various Military regimes, culminating in incalculable abuse of power and the subversion of our Republican Constitution. Political power management has gone from bad to worse, and democratic values have gone from frying to fire. Yet, still, all hopes are not lost; we have learned and are still learning the crucial lesson—though freedom is a gift from God, it is not a free-will donation of any government or creation of any constitution, but acknowledges it; it is not a magical gift that falls from the sky; it is never bequeathed by any human authority or freedom processed without cost by society.

Our God-given Freedom is never freely given; it is won through sacrifice and relentless struggle. This fight for freedom should not end with our forebears at independence. It has now morphed into an ongoing battle against the chains of corruption, injustice, and inequality perpetuated by our own, who manipulate our Constitution and pollute our political landscape.

The Cost of Complacency:

The phrase “Freedom Is Not Free” holds profound significance in the Nigerian context. Standing at a crossroads, this statement serves not only as a tribute to past sacrifices but also as a stark warning against complacency. History is littered with examples of nations where citizens, disengaged and passive, later found their freedoms eroded. In Nigeria today, citizens are at risk of surrendering their liberty to the corrupt “state cabals” who have captured the legislative, executive, and Judiciary undermined our Constitution and the rule of law, and subjected us to various forms of servitude. The masses are weaponized by poverty; the entire system is overwhelmed by insurgency; our human rights rating are the worst in Africa, and our poverty rating sits comfortably at the bottom. Our political system is as unstable as the water, and our backslidden democracy is engendering coups across the African region.

The Illusion of Freedom

Today, Nigeria contends with a subtle yet dangerous enemy: the illusion of freedom. True freedom requires constant vigilance and active participation. We face the encroaching weeds of tyranny, corruption, political instability, electoral fraud, and a disheartened judiciary. Where democracy doesn’t reflect the people’s will, and justice can be bought, freedom is merely a facade. The recent exposure of corruption within the highest levels of government, including the presidency and Judiciary, has shattered this illusion, revealing a stark reality where our freedom hangs by a thread.

A Call to Action:

“Freedom Is Not Free” is a call to action, a reminder of the sacrifices needed to secure and maintain our liberties. In this critical chapter of our history, we must remember that the cost of freedom extends beyond financial implications; it is a call to service, resilience, and patriotism. It’s time for all Nigerians to unite, armed with knowledge and courage, to reclaim our nation.

Our collective effort to bridge societal divides and recognize that preserving freedom is a shared duty will define our struggle. We must reject impunity, reclaim our nation’s soul, restore justice, and renew hope. Together, let’s guide Nigeria back to true democracy, justice, and prosperity. For our present and our future, let’s stand firm in the belief that our freedom, indeed, is not free.

Pastor Emmanuel Ihim, Esq, is A Minister by calling, an Attorney by vocation, and an activist by passion. He is the President of the Diaspora Alliance and Coordinator of the National Rescue Congress
Contact: +1-202.446.755

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