Former Minister of Culture installed as President in Mauritius.

Excel Breaking News

Former Arts and Culture Minister in Mauritius, Pritivirajsing Roopun was on Monday picked as president of the country by the lawmakers.

Mr Roopun will replace Ameenah Gurib-Fakin who resigned from her position in March 2018 as the president of Mauritius because of a scandal in which she used her credit card to buy luxury personal items.

Excel Magazine learnt that Mr Roopun, a 61-year old lawyer was first elected to the National Assembly in 2000 and has been minister of regional administration,social integration,and arts and culture.

Available reports had revealed that Mauritius is noted as one of the countries in Africa with most stable democracies since its Independence in 1968.

In November, the country conducted its elections which saw the incumbent Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth re-elected for a new five-year term in office.

In Mauritius,the Prime Minister is the head of government and wields most of the political power while the president is the head of state but has no executive role.