Flood Hits Mauritania


By Ikechukwu Onyekwere

Many West African countries have been affected greatly by flood within the past few months and Mauritania is not left out.

On Sunday, 20th September 2020, several residents of Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania were hit by foods after a heavy downpour.

Movement of vehicles became impossible in some areas whose level is one meter below the sea.
According to a cab driver, they were unable to move about and sleeping was almost impossible because some houses were submerged.

This year, reports had it that Mauritania has accumulated a rainfall above average for a rainy season.

President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani of Mauritania has assured the people of repairs on the protective barrier of the city of Bassiknou and construction of a road to open up Adel Bagrou.

This according to him will help control flooding.