Excel Magazine International Celebrates Chris Onwuzurike On Birthday


The team and management of EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL has wished a key member of the Excel family, Chris Onwuzurike a happy birthday.

Chris was described by the publisher of EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL who also doubles as the Chief Executive Officer of EXCEL GLOBAL MEDIA GROUP, Boniface Ihiasota, as a lover of excellence.

“Chris birthday is very important to us as he defines what we celebrate everytime, his love for the Excel brand is also unprecedented. As a man who is excellent himself, he has never hidden himself anytime excellence is being celebrated and we are proud of identifying with him” Boniface noted.


He also prayed that he (Chris) continues to reach greater heights while.looking forward to a formidable working year.

EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL is a global brand with offices in over thirty countries around the world including United States of America and Nigeria.