Excel Global Media Group Felicitates With HR Director, Nnenna Ugorji, As She Celebrates Birthday


The entire team of the EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL has sent out a congratulatory message to the Excel Global Media Group Inc. USA Human Resources Director and the Excel representative in the Washington DC, Mrs Nnenna Joy Ugorji.

In a congratulatory message signed by the Chief executive officer of Excel Globl Media Group Inc. USA and Publisher of Excel Magazine International, Boniface Ihiasota, he described her as a rare personality whose dedication to excellence is beyond comprehension of words.

“Mrs Ugorji has brought to the team an unprecedented understanding of duty and responsibility, she also in no little way motivates the brand to reach for the peak and pursue excellence further, we are very thrilled to have benefitted from her immense nature and to have her persona on the Excel team”.
The statement issued in the United states of America further wished her many more years of successes and beautiful strides

“We can only wish her many more years of successes and beautiful strides especially as a part of the EXCEL family. We know she wants the best for the society always and the best will also be hers always” the statement read.

EXCEL MAGAGZINE INTERNATIONAL is a global media publication widely read in over thirty countries of the world and with Mrs Ugorji a key part of the drive of the brand.