Ethiopia: Amhara Supports Campaign in Tigray


Those living in Amhara Region in Northern Ethiopia along the borders of Tigray have said that they are ready to support Ethiopia forces in their conflict with Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

They said that the ethnic groups that make up the north of the country will not be separated by religion or language.

“Our societies are integrated. We have been living together for a very long time. You can’t separate us, not by religion, not by language. Most of the people who live in these regions are Orthodox Christian, so we share the same religion as them”, a local administrator, Anmut Mulat explained.

                         Amhara Region

On Sunday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed replaced his Army Chief, suggesting that the country was in preparation for a longer campaign in Tigray.
The Prime Minister also named Temesgen Tiruneh as the New Intelligence Chief.

The President of Tigray Region, Debretsion Gebremichael who serves as the chairman of TPLF said they would keep defending themselves until federal authorities agree to negotiate.

Addis Ababa has accused the state of rebellion.