Democracy Under Siege: A Call to Reclaim Nigeria’s Soul, by Pastor Emmanuel Ihim Esq

Emmanuel Ihim Esq

Democracy Under Siege: A Call to Reclaim Nigeria’s Soul, by Pastor Emmanuel Ihim Esq

Nigeria, our beloved nation, stands at a pivotal crossroads in these critical times. The essence of our collective identity and the principles upon which our country was founded are being tested. It is a defining moment that calls for the awakening of the Nigerian spirit to defend and reclaim the soul of our nation.

The February 25, 2023, presidential election, a momentous event in the history of Nigeria, has become a symbol of the challenges we face in safeguarding our democracy. The declaration of Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) winner, subsequently upheld by the Appeal Court Tribunal and Supreme Court Justices, has sparked unending widespread controversies. Allegations of electoral irregularities, including fraud, violence, and logistical failures, have cast a shadow over the legitimacy of the electoral process, leading to tensions and concerns across the nation and beyond.

The Presidential Election Tribunal endorsed by the October 26, 2023, Nigeria Supreme Court Judgment was bereft of justice, fairness, and impartiality. These judgments are inundated with mundane, inchoate, and irrational technicalities legalizing ‘electoral theft’ and tarnishing the nation’s reputation. It strikes at the core of our democratic values, casting doubts and challenging the integrity of our collective spirit. Majority of Nigerians consider it, “Judgment without Justice,” “a judicial fiat” sanctifying INEC’s illegal and criminal actions against the State and the sovereign will of Nigerians.

These judgments are devoid of any essence of justice and clouded with irrationalities, impartiality, injustice, and unfairness. The judgment subverted the Nigerian Constitution, supplanted the people’s sovereign will, and perverted even the 2022 Electoral Act. The result is shredding our democratic progress- glorifying fraud, corruption, forgery, and electoral robbery. This ultimately paved the way for the manifestation of the rule of force and criminal politics of state capture. The emerging disclosures signal an alarming trend as Nigerians find themselves entrapped, maneuvered into a position of subservience by a seemingly insurmountable political power.

This situation has placed our country at the epicenter of a democratic crisis, raising questions about the integrity of our electoral system and the principles of justice and fairness. The judicial endorsements, marred by criticisms of partiality and deviation from constitutional and legal frameworks, depart from the democratic ideals we hold dear.

The aftermath of this election and the subsequent judicial decisions have given INEC unprecedented power to undermine the sovereign will of the Nigerian people. There is a growing concern that the essence of democracy – the right of the people to choose their leaders through fair and free elections – is eroded.

At this juncture, the responsibility falls upon every Nigerian to rise above complacency and challenge the forces that threaten our democracy. We must remember that democracy is more than just the act of voting; it is about upholding the values of freedom, liberty, and justice. It is about ensuring that every voice is heard and respected, no matter how faint.

We stand today at a critical juncture in our nation’s history, a time that calls for the reigniting of hope, the mustering of strength, and the summoning of courage to resist the encroaching shadows of authoritarianism. We must stand united in our resolve to ensure that our nation remains a place where dreams can be realized, speech is free from retribution, and dignity is a right for all.

This is not just a fight for the present; it is a battle for our children’s future and the legacy we leave behind. We are the guardians of Nigeria’s destiny, and the path we choose now will determine the course of our nation. Let us rise as one, undeterred and resolute, to reclaim the spirit of democracy and write a new chapter in the history of Nigeria – one that speaks of courage, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to the principles of democracy.

We must not let our generation be remembered as standing silently while our democratic foundations are shaken. Instead, let us be known as the generation that reclaimed the spirit of democracy, rekindled hope, and restored the dignity of our great nation. The call to action is clear, and the time to act is now.

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