X-Raying Senator Hope Uzodinma Giant Strides In Imo State And The Need For Constructive Criticism

X-Raying Senator Hope Uzodinma Giant Strides In Imo State And The Need For Constructive Criticism

When Senator Hope Uzodinma’s leadership commenced in Imo state, he brought hope and expectations to residents and stakeholders of Imo state both at home and abroad.
As expected of leadership, the task before him is that which is targeted towards better development of Imo state. Not only has his emergence opened up doors of innovations, he also began his government in a different style. Particularly, I have observed this as an Imolite who is based in the United State of America and is in constant touch with the homeroots.

Senator Hope Uzodinma brought to the fore the true meaning of continuity when he announced that he will continue with projects embarked upon by his predecessor and also build on brilliant ideas that emanated from the previous government. This development is not just great but largely un-African. He did not just speak but also marked it with actions.

It is on record that the governor within two weeks in office had approved the extension of tenure and support to different panels of enquiries set up by his predecessor in order to give a detailed report and recommendation for further implementation by the state government.

He ordered contractors to move to their different construction sites within 72hrs without revoking anyone as they were mobilized by the government during the last administration.

Civil Service Welfarism

It is worthy of note that his Excellency Senator Hope Uzodinma has approved various initiatives aimed at making life easier for Civil servants. It is on record that his administration purchased 30 coaster buses for conveying Civil servants to and fro work. This has in no small measure made it easier for these workers to deliver on their mandate. He has also extended similar gesture to other civil service workers.

As the Chief Executive Officer of Excel Global Media Group, I have alongside my organization done a deep research on the successes of this administration and many projects that are world standard are there to see.


The security in the state can also be said to have improved largely under Senator Hope Uzodinma. He provided pick up patrol vans and charged the combined team of security agencies to flush out criminals in all parts of the state. These patrol vehicles have inbuilt modern communication gadgets which connects them to the emergency call center. This has in no small measure reduced the crime rate in the state and has also instilled safety confidence on citizens of the state.

Innoson vehicles procured by Governor Hope Uzodinma to ensure security in the state.

The State government under Senator Hope Uzodinma have also launched a community policing initiative in a bid to ensuring that Imo state indigenes and residents can walk freely on the streets without fear of being attacked


The response of the Senator Hope Uzodinma led administration to the Covid19 pandemic is worthy of mention. For instance, 28 state-of-the-art ambulances provided to fortify the state in readiness for any emergency. Isolation centers were also set up with top-notch facilities. This in no small way ensured that the state has just isolated cases of the Covid-19 pandemic.

One of the Mobile Health Vehicles unveiled by Senator Hope Uzodinma administration

The state governor also has for an instance launched a mobile clinic initiative. This initiative is not only laudable but is with world standard. For instance the mobile clinic which is available across Local governments affords an opportunity for Imo state residents to be attended to on the spot with the best of facilities. In other countries like the United States of America, the same mobile health clinic can be found there and even Imo state can boast to have this large health resource, thanks to governor Hope Uzodinma.

It is worthy of note that any government that prioritizes the safety and security of its citizenry deserves every commendation available.
This and many more health initiatives are thriving under Senator Hope Uzodinma’s administration.


Governor Hope has also kick-started the process of ensuring that Imo state is a hub of Agricultural produce.

For instance, the dream of the governor is to make Adapalm biggest oil factory in Africa. The mill which was last operated 10 years before governor Hope Uzodinma administration was made to work in just 60-days .

The Senator Hope led administration revived the mill which is now back in operation. Many more initiatives around Agriculture are in the works by the Senator Hope Uzodinma led administration.

Restoration Of Public Water

Governor Hope Uzodinma has also ensured that issue of water scarcity is fought head-on especially at the Owerri Metropolis. He ensured this by allowing restoration of public water in the metropolis.

This was done through the Imo state Water and Sewage Corporation. He noted that “Imo people should be rest assured that government is working round the clock to ensure that public water supply is restored in all parts of Owerri metropolis in the shortest possible time”.

Senator Hope Uzodinma prioritizing water availability in Imo state

I interviewed the Chairman of the Imo state water Corporation, Engineer Emeka Ugoanyanwu and he detailed how the governor ensured that Otamiri Water work which was neglected for 26 years was brought to life in 64 days.


Covid-19 Management

It is on record that Imo state had a very well managed Covid-19 situation. Unlike other states that are battling with the pandemic, Imo state through a proactive leadership has been able to tackle this situation ensuring preservation of Imolites lives .

A Committee headed by erudite Professor Maurice Iwu led the efforts of the government with results to show for this.

The government also distributed palliatives to Imo state residents and indigenes to ameliorate suffering posed by the Pandemic.

While the government has other top initiatives and successes it is important that the critics of the current government do that based on available facts only.

We should not forget that the development of Imo state can only be ensured when we ensure objectivity and prioritize the growth of the state above our personal gains or affiliations.

While every government survives on advice, criticism and feedbacks, it is important that all players makes objectivity their watchword and be sincere to correcting any ills of the government which will help the state become better without propanganda that may cause a backward development for the state.

The Imo state we envisage will only be ours to enjoy when we make it out collective responsibility.

As a way to celebrate his 100-days in office, I and the Excel Magazine team did an on-the-spot assessment of his successes and what people are saying about his administration, it is noteworthy that we came up with a special production magazine detailing this.

Excel Global Media Group CEO, Boniface Ihiasota

It is also noteworthy that what unites us regardless of political affiliation is our love to see a better Imo state.

Ihiasota Boniface is the Chief Executive Officer of Excel Global Media Group Inc USA Publishers of Excel Magazine International. He is based in Houston, USA and Writes From, Owerri, Imo state , Nigeria.