Concerns Rise over Trump plans to cut U. S Troops in Iraq, Afghanistan

Concerns have been on the rise among levels of The U. S government and various U. S allies over President Trump’s plans to cut U. S troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This comes amidst increasing tensions and escalations of violence in the Middle East, as a resurgent Taliban continues to carry out various attacks.

The U. S government will be withdrawing over 2,500 Troops from both countries, the Ministry of Defense confirmed. As the president has always been intentional about Troops coming back home and has criticized U. S interventions abroad.

In Iraq, the number of U. S troops will be cut by 500 to 2,500 ,while in Afghanistan, service personnel will be cut from 4,500 to about 2,500.

Various senior republicans and U. S allies have expressed concerns over the announcement. The NATO head called the move “a very high price” . Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell called the plan “a mistake”.

The majority leader who is a strong defender of The president, has warned against making “earth-shaking” policy moves capable of causing serious problems.

The Biden transition team is yet to make comments on the announcement.