Concerns as Pakistani Parents Padlock Their Daughters’ Graves Over Consistent Raping of Female Corpses

Concerns as Pakistani Parents Padlock Their Daughters' Graves Over Consistent Raping of Female Corpses

Concerns as Pakistani Parents Padlock Their Daughters’ Graves Over Consistent Raping of Female Corpses

By Boniface Ihiasota, USA

Recent reports have highlighted an alarming rise in cases of necrophilia in Pakistan. In response, some parents are putting padlocks on their late daughters’ graves to prevent their bodies from being desecrated.

Social media users, including activists and authors, have raised the issue once again, calling attention to the detrimental effects of hardline Islamist ideology on society.

Harris Sultan, an ex-Muslim Atheist activist and author, tweeted that “Pakistan has created such a horny, sexually frustrated society that people are now putting padlocks on the graves of their daughters to prevent them from getting raped.”

Another Twitter user, Sajid Yousaf Shah, noted that “the social environment created by Pakistan has given rise to a sexually charged and repressed society, where some people have resorted to locking their daughter’s graves to protect them from sexual violence.”

This disturbing trend is not new. In the past, women’s bodies have been unearthed and desecrated on multiple occasions.

One of the most horrifying cases occurred in 2011 when a grave keeper from Karachi was caught after confessing to raping 48 female corpses.

More recently, in May 2022, an unknown group of men dug up the corpse of a teenage girl and raped it in Gujrat. The family discovered the body the following morning, showing signs of rape.

Similar incidents have occurred in the past, including one in 2019 in which a woman’s dead body was allegedly dug up and raped in Karachi’s Landhi Town.

Excel Magazine International believes It is crucial that authorities take swift action to address this issue and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.

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