Community Projects: World Bank Spends 90bn In Nigeria


By Ejiogu  Paul

Community and Social Development Project (CSDP), a Federal Government of Nigeria Initiative with support from the World Bank spent 90 billion naira on community projects from 2009 to date in 30 states of the Federation.

According to the National Coordinator of the CSDP, Dr Abdulkarim Obaje, told News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the aim of the project was to reach out to poor communities so that development would flourish.

Dr. Abdulkarim Obaje explained shortly after the presentation of Community-Driven Development Policy held in Abuja that CSDP has more than 17,000 micro projects across 30 states in the Federation that are designed, implemented and sustained by community members. He added that these projects which are community-driven, were conceived, implemented, managed and sustained by community members.

Dr Obaje further explained that the Federal Government of Nigeria desire is to come up with a policy that will regulate the relationship between major stakeholders involved in the delivering of these projects to various communities since the community projects were done well.