China Plans to Test City of Qingdao after New Covid-19 Cases Emerge

Chinese authorities in the city of Qingdao on Monday said that they will test the entire city for covid-19 in the next five days after new cases sprang up.

The city has a population of more than 9 million people and the new cases are connected to a hospital treating people who returned with the disease from oversees.

The health commission has informed the general public that more than 140000 employees of medical institutions, newly admitted patients and personnel were tested in Qingdao since new cases came up.

The National Health Commission (NHC) voiced out that mainland China as of yesterday, 11th October 2020, had 21 new covid-19 cases.
Despite having the outbreak of the virus in China, the country has bounced back since then and the number of cases reduced to large a extent.

Qingdao already has shut down Qingdao Chest Hospital and also the emergency section of its central hospital.
There is also effort by Chinese authorities to be first to roll out coronavirus vaccine as several companies are in final stage trials.