Celebration as Ezinwa Iheanacho Uboegbulam Set for Chieftaincy Honour

Celebration as Ezinwa Iheanacho Uboegbulam Set for Chieftaincy Honour

Uboegbulam Preparing for Chieftaincy Honour

By Boniface Ihiasota USA

One cannot say of many people that they truly give back to society. Few do, though. And the small group is still quite small. Ezenwa Iheanacho Uboegbulam is one of the later group. His signature is positively affecting people’s lives.

Hansafrique Nig. Ltd.’s chairman and CEO is Ezenwa Iheanacho Uboegbulam.

Ezenwa Iheanacho Uboegbulam Set for Chieftaincy Honour
Ezinwa Iheanacho Uboegbulam

He embodies humility, and as a real Christian, he follows the biblical instruction to keep your left hand from knowing what your right hand is providing as a sacrifice.

On December 27, 2022, in the Atta Ikeduru Local Government Area of Imo State, Ezinwa Iheanacho Uboegbulam would receive the Odiukonamba 1 title of the Atta Ancient Kingdom in recognition of his contributions to community development among other things.

His Royal Highness, Eze Joe Anika, will bestow the honor (The Umunnawike II of Atta Ancient Kingdom).

In an interview with Excel Magazine International, he expressed his happiness at being named chief as well as the reasons why he is more than eager to give back to his roots.

The recognition, he said, is the first to his community since 30 years.

The CEO of Hansafrique Nig. Ltd. believes that it’s critical to maintain cultural roots while also keeping an eye on the home front and giving back to society.

In his eulogy for the momentous occasion, which would mark a significant turning point in his life, he stressed the importance of society in one’s development.

He therefore exhorted those who were living abroad to constantly return home and give back to their society, emphasizing that doing so would offer them the chance to learn more about the needs of their people.

From all of us at Excel Magazine International, we wish him the best of the title and many more of recognitions.

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