Celebrating Outstanding US Model, Janae, Making Impacts Through Beauty and Humanity

When the word modeling is heard, many things come to mind, Janae Ann Anderson is a widely accepted United States of America Model. She has also coupled her passion with unprecedented personal development and inspiration for many persons cut across the globe.

The story of Janae is unique and sparks excellence.

Janae was born in Los Angeles, California. Her wide exposure has seen her living in Houston, Texas and Phoenix Arizona. An educated beauty, Janae holds a Bachelor and Masters’ degree while she is enrolled for her Ph.D program in Human sciences.

Her name symbolizes beauty, purity, sexiness, goddess and Ann which purely means ‘King’.

Her thirst for standing out was borne out her passion to serve humanity.  She started the non-profit organization, “No F.E.A.R” an acronym for Feeding Employing All Righteously. Her conviction is the belief that privileges should not be personal alone but also spread to those who maybe underprivileged at some point.

Janae is also one of the co-founders of 100 collegiate women at Prairie view A&M University founded in 2011.

A lover of technology, Janae has also found love in singing apart from her modeling career with which she has participated in, at different modeling activities across the globe.

Her focus is something that is rare; her beauty comes with natural values gifted by nature.

The Chief Executive Officer of EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL, Boniface Ihiasota commended her uniqueness, noting that, the EXCEL brand is proud to know and identify with her, his words;
“We are all about celebrating excellence and Janae defines that”

EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL is an international brand dedicated to projecting excellence and showcasing outstanding brands, personalities and projects.