Birthday: Gallant Salute to Cerebral and Professional Immigration Officer, ACI Helen Ekwy Ford – Oti

ACI Helen Ekwy Ford - Oti

Birthday: Gallant Salute to Cerebral and Professional Immigration Officer, ACI Helen Ekwy Ford – Oti

By Boniface Ihiasota, USA

Happy birthday to a dedicated immigration officer! As someone who plays such a crucial role in the lives of so many people, you deserve to be celebrated on this special day, our dear Helen Ekwy Ford – Oti.

ACI Helen Ekwy Ford - Oti
ACI Helen Ekwy Ford – Oti

Your hard work and commitment to upholding the laws and policies that keep our country safe is deeply appreciated. You have no doubt made a positive impact on countless individuals, whether it be through facilitating the reunification of families or helping someone start a new life in a new country.

ACI Helen Ekwy Ford - Oti
ACI Helen Ekwy Ford – Oti

As an immigration officer, you have a demanding job that requires a great deal of patience, understanding, and professionalism. You are a true guardian of the nation’s borders, and we are grateful for your tireless efforts to ensure that everyone who enters our country does so legally and with the proper documentation.

ACI Helen Ekwy Ford - Oti
ACI Helen Ekwy Ford – Oti

On your birthday, we hope you have the chance to relax and enjoy yourself. Take a moment to reflect on all that you have accomplished and all that you have yet to achieve.

ACI Helen Ekwy Ford - Oti
ACI Helen Ekwy Ford – Oti

From all of us at Excel Magazine International, here’s to a wonderful year ahead, filled with joy, success, and all the things that bring you happiness.

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