Appointing Supreme Court Judge Close To Election ‘Superficially Hypocritical’ – Bill Clinton

Appointing Supreme Court Judge Close To Election ‘Superficially Hypocritical’ – Bill Clinton

By Ikechukwu  Onyekwere

United States former president, Bill Clinton Said on Sunday that it is ‘superficially hypocritical’ for Donald Trump and Senate Republicans to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice just few weeks to November Presidential election.

Clinton said that such action will jam the courts with many ideological Judges which will not be fair to the nation.

“This is what they do, I think you know, both for Sen. McConnell and President Trump, their first value is power”, he said.

It will be recalled that during the weekend, President Donald Trump has agreed to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday.

The conservatives see this as an opportunity to boost their majority on the nation’s highest court.

Democrats have continued to remind Mitch McConnell for blocking a vote to have Merrick Garland fill the Position in 2016 after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia; although it was months before the presidential election.

Clinton in his tribute said that late Ginsburg was a legal expert, who pays attention to the human side in her decisions.

The former US president said such qualities pushed him to select her for a spot on the high court.