Belgium Faces New Coronavirus Infection

Belgium Health Minister, Frank Vandenbroucke has warned that the country may have an increase in new coronavirus infections.

The Minister said that new infections were close to ‘tsunami’ and authorities “no longer control what is happening”.
On Monday, there are new measures to stop the further spread of the virus. All bars and restaurants are shutdown for four weeks.

It would be recalled that Belgium was one of the worst-hit countries during Europe’s first wave of coronavirus this year.

The country has the third highest number of covid-19 related deaths of 100,000 people globally, behind only Peru and San Marino according to Johns Hopkins University Data.

Part of the restrictions in Belgium from Monday is that residents should work from home. There is curfew from midnight until 5am for the next one month and no selling of alcohol.

“The government has only one message to the public: protect yourself, protect your loved ones, so as not to be contaminated”, Vandenbroucke said.