Bahrain, Isreal Accept Diplomatic Ties After Trump’s Intervention

Bahrain, Isreal Accept Diplomatic Ties After Trump’s Intervention

The Kingdom of Bahrain is the recent Arab country that has accepted to have complete diplomatic ties with Israel.
The new zeal between both parties became possible due to the intervention of United States of America President, Donald Trump. Before the intervention by Donald Trump, there had been continuous conflict between Israel and the Islamic World, especially with the Palestinians. Bahrain is the fourth Arab Nation to agree on such a deal after Egypt, Jordan and The UAE.
Issuing a joint statement, the United States, Israel and Bahrain said the decision was reached after Trump interacted with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

It is to be recalled about a month ago, that the United Arab Emirates became the first Gulf Arab Nation to agree on a deal to actualize good relationship with Israel.

While this has received applaud in the international political world, Palestinian Authorities(PA) have condemned the ties by Israel and Bahrain; pointing out that it is a betrayal by an Arab nation.
The UAE however sees it as a welcomed development for Bahrain to normalize ties with Israeli government, hoping it would bring about a positive effect in areas of peace and cooperation in the region and globally.

Political opponents of Donald Trump have commended him for the UAE-Israeli ties in August 2020 and the most recent of September 15th 2020 with Bahrain and Israel.

Despite this, Americans may be more domestic in their interests about Donald Trump’s government, especially in America’s fight for covid19, healthcare, racial abuse and so many issues.
The partnership of Bahrain and Israel shows an increasing acceptance by the Sunni Arab Monarchies and Israeli government.

There may be many reasons for normalizing the ties but these two nations see an economic and social benefit in areas of trade, tourism, security, technology, etc. Perhaps the Bahrain nation sees Israel as a trusted ally against Iranian threat.
These two dynamic societies with this partnership is expected to ensure positive change and reconstruction of the middle East.