Arkansas Episcopalians Elect Liberian-Born Priest as New Bishop

Arkansas Episcopalians Elect Liberian-Born Priest as New Bishop

Arkansas Episcopalians have chosen Rev. Canon John Harmon, a Liberian-born priest, as their 14th bishop during a special election convention held at Little Rock’s Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

Assuming approval from other dioceses and bishops, Rev. John Harmon will officially become the Right Rev. John Harmon on January 6th.

Rev. Harmon, who has served as the rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., since 2000, brings over three decades of experience as a priest to his new role.

L-R Mr Adolphus, Bonface Ihiasota (Excel Publidher) ,Rev Harmon, Dr Alice and Nnenna Joy Ugorji (Excel DMV)
L-R Mr Adolphus, Bonface Ihiasota (Excel Publisher), Rev Harmon, Dr Alice and Nnenna Joy Ugorji (Excel DMV)

He was selected on the third ballot, prevailing over the Rev. Mary Vano, who had served as the rector of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in west Little Rock for the past decade.

Arkansas is home to 13,056 Episcopalians, spread across 54 Episcopal churches and missions, with an average attendance of 3,074 in 2022. To secure victory, candidates needed both clergy and lay members’ majority votes.

Rev. Harmon received significant support from non-clergy members, with over 70% backing him on all three ballots. Despite initially gaining the majority of clergy support, Rev. Vano lost it on the final ballot.

Rev. Canon John Harmon
Rev. Canon John Harmon

The Most Rev. Michael Curry, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church and the first Black person to lead the denomination, will officiate at Rev. Harmon’s consecration.

Rev. Harmon will become the first Black person to lead the Diocese of Arkansas.

This historic appointment, as observed by Excel Magazine International, harkens back to the consecration of the Right Rev. Edward Thomas Demby in 1918, who served as the “bishop suffragan for colored work” in the Diocese of Arkansas, becoming the first African American Episcopal bishop in the United States.

Rev. Harmon, along with his wife Keeva, who have been married for three decades and have three children, holds degrees in divinity and theology. He was ordained as a deacon in 1991 and as a priest on February 2, 1992.

In addition to his pastoral work, Rev. Harmon is a co-founder of the Episcopal Service Corps, an organization that focuses on transforming unjust structures through community building, local collaboration, prayer, and action.

Rev. Harmon’s new role will not only be significant within the Diocese of Arkansas but also reflects the broader commitment of the Episcopal Church to diversity and inclusion in leadership.

Excel Magazine International’s Publisher, Boniface Ihiasota and DMV Executive, Mrs. Nnenna Joy Ugorji, joined in congratulating Rev. Harmon on his elevation to bishop, especially considering their shared worship at his church.

They were accompanied by their esteemed allies, Dr. Mrs. Alice and Mr. Adolphus Ukaegbu, making this celebration of Rev. Harmon’s new role even more special.



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