Another fuel tanker explodes along Enugu-Onitsha Expressway …as residents flee from to their homes

As residents of Onitsha,Anambra State were still recollectiing themselves from the loss of lives and properties occasioned by an inferno barely 48 hours at Ochanja market,another fuel tanker has exploded along Enugu-Onitsha Expressway in the wee hours of Friday.

The incident was reported to have occured at about 4:00am on Friday when a fuel laden tanker rammed into a parked caterpillar,just very close to Bessoy Filling station,Onitsha spilling its contents along the drainage as it caught fire in the process.

It was gathered that properties worth millions of naira were destroyed by the fire .

An eyewitness report said the residents close to the scene of the incident ran away from their homes as they were gripped with fear of being consumed in the inferno as it was recorded at Ochanja market just in a less than two days ago.

Narrating the incident,the source revealed that ‘a PMS laden tanker lost control early in the morning on Friday and rammed into parked caterpillar in front of Bessoy Filling station,along Enugu-Onitsha Expressway, Onitsha.The tanker started emptying its contents on the tarmac and fire erupted,’he said.

Lamenting on the inabilities of the fire service in Anambra State to report to the scene of the incident immediately,the source added that it was miracle which brought the rain to extinguished the fire.

‘We called on the Onitsha fire service but they said they didn’t have a functional vehicle.We called Awka and they said they were coming but miraculously,it started raining and the fire got extinguished.’ He added.