All Set For AWCAA President, World Acclaimed Health Professional, Ify Nwabukwu 71st Birthday


Ify Anne Nwabukwu is the President and Founder of the African Women’s Cancer Awareness Association. Known for dedicating her life to humanity and societal wellbeing, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Howard University in Washington D.C and a degree in hospital administration at Strayer University.

Her love for the society and need to enlighten the African populace led to the founding of AWCAA in response to lack of proper structures for cancer awareness for African women.
Interestingly, she is a certified patient navigator and Breast Health Awareness Volunteer speaker for the American Cancer Society.

She has through her cause ensured massive orientation for African women on cancer , facilitated trainings , concluded outreaches among others.
Mrs Nwabukwu is also widely recognized for her role in the societal and health development.
Accordingly, she is a 2012 Robert Wood Johnson community health leader, a commissioner on the District of Colombia Mayor’s commission on African Affairs, a member of the Maryland Nurses Association among many other bodies of repute. She also has published several health journals, organizes and leads medical missions to African countries.
In her magnanimity, she has donated two mammogram machines to Nigeria and Tanzania.

Living a life of value and impact is not just great but also one worthy of genuine celebration.

On July 4th, 2021, this erudite of knowledge and development will celebrate her 71st birthday at Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt.
Her celebration is not just important but also one that defines why living a life worthy of emulation and that which cares about livelihood of others is pivotal.

The Chief Executive Officer of EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL, Ihiasota Boniface while speaking on the celebrant noted that her life defines how humanity should be;

“Mrs Nwabukwu dedicated her life to development and societal growth, she saw a gap in cancer awareness and decided that the most appropriate thing to do is bridging that gap which she has done meritoriously”

While noting that the EXCEL GLOBAL MEDIA brand is highly looking forward to the celebration, Boniface advised other women to imbibe excellence and selflessness.

He also noted that the celebration will be well read in over Thirty countries of the world.

“She deserves celebration now and always, we are always proud to identify with her” Boniface noted.

EXCEL MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL will also be at the event to ensure global access to the moments, exclusive pictures and insightful reports.