Africans in The Spotlight : Sadio Mane – An Epitome of Humility

Sadio Mane, the Senegalese international footballer, currently plying his trade in Europe for premier league side Liverpool , is one of the most loved footballers in the world. Not just because of his exciting style of football but because of his outlook off the pitch.

It is not a norm to see celebrities who in the midst of fame, still try to exude a great level of humility and modesty, but Mane is one who depicts such a personality.

In his home country, Senegal, the forward is highly revered due to the very many impactful projects he has single-handedly undertaken in the country. Seen as one the best players in Africa and the world, Mane has not just built a sporting reputation for himself but has also been a person of influence in contributing selflessly to humanity.

The forward reportedly earns over 10.2 million Euros annually, playing for Liverpool. Even with this, Sadio Mane still manages not to live extravagantly but instead channels his resources to help the under- privileged in the society.

Sometime recently, Mane was spotted by some fans with a cracked IPhone device , replying to questions on why he was using such a device, he gave a notable reply. He said, “why would I want ten Ferrari’s, twenty diamond watches and two jet planes? What would that do for the world?. I starved, I worked on the fields, I played bare-foot. Now I can help my people. I prefer to build schools and give poor people food or clothing. I have built schools and a stadium. Every month, we give 70 Euros to families from the poorest regions of Senegal to help their family.

        Mane with the Cracked iPhone 

Further expressing his modest approach to life in the spotlight, he added. ” I do not need to display luxury cars, homes, trips and even planes. I prefer that my people receive little of what life has given me”.

Off the pitch, Mane indeed depicts a high level of modesty and a humble approach to life as a celebrity. He is one to be imitated as he continues to set the pace for charity in Africa. He has helped better the lot of under-privileged Africans and has used his influence and placement in Society to raise others.