2023 General Elections Belong To Young People – INEC

2023 General Elections Belong To Young People – INEC

On Tuesday afternoon,at Chatham House, London, The chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Professor Mahmood Yakubu, declared that the 2023 general election is for the young people of Nigeria.

This statement was given during the breakdown of voter registration and collection of PVC (permanent Voter Card) in London, where the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Professor Mahmood Yakubu illustrated that the current records depicted that the coming general election would be dominated by the Nigerian youth.

He further expressed that, he was encouraged as the Nigerian’s turn-out has really increased, stating that Lagos alone has recorded over 600,000 eligible voters collection, that is, Permanent Voters Card collection, which he said occurred within last month.

Professor Mahmood Yakubu stated that there are currently 93.4 million registered voters in Nigeria out of which 37 million, that is 39 per cent, are young people between the ages of 18 and 34.

“And then they’re closely followed by 33.4 million or 35.3 per cent middle-age voters between the ages of 35 and 49.

“Put together, these two categories constitute 75.39 per cent of registered voters in Nigeria. So, actually the 2023 election is the election of the young people, because they have the numbers. Even the majority of the PVCs collected are collected by young people,” He added.

“So, out of the 93.4 million, 70.4 million registered voters are between the ages of 18 and 49”.

Professor Mahmood Yakubu further  reminded the people about the time when collection of the PVCs will come to an end, which is on January 29.

“we have to end it because before the election we will publish number of PVCs collected on polling unit by polling unit basis nationwide.”

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